Spiritual Direction
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As your Spiritual Director, I will accompany you on your journey with God through the ups and downs of everyday life. I believe God is present and active in every person’s life, and a spiritual director assists in attending to that presence with thoughtful questions and coming alongside you in prayer. My training and certification in spiritual direction and spiritual formation is through The Anglican Church of New England and Soul Formation in Portland, OR.
From my earliest years, I have desired to be known by God and others in a supportive way. I look forward to our time together, whether online or in person, as a companion on your spiritual journey, understanding and sharing your desire for spiritual connection with God.
Testimony .
As my spiritual director (mentor), Jackie has challenged me to notice my emotions and not run from them. She asked questions that helped me to stop, slow down, and acknowledge what my feelings were telling me, and then, with God's help, I processed the feelings. I am now encouraging the people around me to also pay attention to their feelings and take the time to process what is happening beneath the surface. She has been a guide along the way in the ups and downs of life, helping me to see myself and the strengths that God has given me. Jackie takes the time to "see" me.
J. M.
“A Spiritual Director is simply someone who talks to you and prays for you about your spiritual life. Wisdom and direction emerge from the spiritual dialogue and prayer”
— Henri Nouwen